
Sarah Naqvi (she/her)

Somatic Body Work
Pantarei Pracitioner

Speaks: English and German

Sarah offers somatic bodywork sessions. Sarah’s practice is grounded in a trauma-sensitive understanding of the body and mind and is accompanied by a critical awareness of power relations in her sessions. Sarah is a certified Pantarei practitioner and brings years of self-study, a background in political science and informal teachings from her confidants to her practice.

Sessions begin with a get-to-know-each-other conversation, exploring where people are in the present and what their desires are for the session. This part is followed by a combination of touch, verbal communication and (guided) movement on the massage table. The aim of the practitioner is to support the client in learning on their unique development path. Sessions can be thought of as containers through which you can explore your inner landscapes from unfamiliar angles. Current emotional stress, physical pain or pure curiosity can therefore be used as a starting point.

It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing and allow some time after the appointment to integrate the session.

For further information, dates, pricing policy etc: